Malawi Olympic Committee held  a 2 days planning meeting to review all the programmes that have been conducted in 2023 and are to be conducted in the year 2024. MOC aims to develop and promote sport excellency in Malawi and hopes to deliver best programmes including developing all athletes towards international competitions.
It also reviewed the 2021 to 2025 Strategic Plan to ensure that all programmes have been implemented according to the stipulated objectives and strategies in the plan.
Board and Staff Members during the meeting
Board and Staff Members during the meeting
The MOC Medical Commission was also part of the planning meeting to present their overall report on athlete’s performances from various competitions and wellfare. The report covered proper nutrition for athletes, anti dopping, athletes performances, health and psychological assessment. The commission is chaired by Hon.Phale and Dr. Musimuko the secretary who patronized the Africa Games. The meeting was held in Salima from 6 to 7 April 2024.
Medical Commissioner Hon. Phale presenting the medical report