According to Self et al (2018) many young people are at risk or already struggling with the consequences of unplanned pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV/AIDS, and Lack of access to SRHS. Studies have shown that Sport is a relevant entry point for dialogue with adolescent girls, boys, and communities that leads to discussions on sensitive issues such as SRHR. Sport has the potential to reach out to hard-to-access and vulnerable groups such as learners who dropped out of school and unemployed young adults, migrant populations, and adolescent girls.

Sport facilitates the development of life skills that are needed to translate knowledge, attitudes, and behavioral intentions into actual behavior. Using the power of sports and the shared values of the Commonwealth, CGA Malawi Introduced a GAME CHANGER’s Project that will drive to raise awareness and advocate for change in behavior and access to SRHS targeting the youth both boys and girls that will be approached as direct beneficiaries both in and out of schools.
The main goal is Youth awareness towards Sexual Reproductive Health and HIV/Aids through Sports. And also to increase and improve knowledge and access to sexual Reproductive health services, HIV/AIDS and GBV among the youth, Influence Behavior Change on Utilization of Sexual Reproductive Health Services among the youths and empower the youth with Commonwealth Values/Sport Skills that will influence their daily lives.
CGA Malawi has introduced the Project to the Urban Executive Committee (UEC) who approved the project to roll out in the schools within the intended period. The CGA will work closely with stakeholders DSO, YSO, Chiefs, Teachers, and other NGOs, to ensure all intended objectives are achieved. This project will run from October 2020 to December 2021